Home 9 Thesis 9 Thesis Update – W24-1

Thesis Update – W24-1

by | Jan 13, 2025 | Thesis

Normal (left) and LUTO (right) 30-week fetus

The 3 key fetal stages I will be showing in my animation.

Sculpting progress

I continued refining my sketches, and worked up a 30-wk fetus (so cute!). I think, for now, I’ll be good to leave the fetus models alone and start working on the peripheral anatomy.

Before After

Normal (left) vs LUTO (right) bladder


Since my base sketch models are completed, I moved onto developing the pathologic fetuses. Referencing ultrasounds, I placed the distended bladder and sculpted the fetus around it. The bladder can get huge! Hopefully, I will be able to morph between these two versions to control the scale of the distension in my animation.

I’m planning on revisiting an old program I used for game development called Wrap3, which will allow me to set up a “good” topology, and then use the same topology for all of my models.