Different bladder obstructions.
Model Progress
Today, I focused on the anatomy I was missing. I modelled the bladders and their interiors (urethral passage and bladder interiors). In order, from left to right: Normal anatomy, partial obstruction (narrowing), PUV (posterior valve obstruction – this causes a “key-hole” appearance), and complete (the urethra has a gap or didn’t develop fully). I think, for rendering these, I’m going to go with something very simple, perhaps with lines. I’ll have to see how it looks in full context.
I set up the materials so I can use fields to trigger the transparency, so this should give me a lot of freedom with how I want to render these scenes.
Material change on the bladder.
Model Progress
I also whipped up a prune belly-like fetus model. Sometimes, due to the compression of the uterus and the stretched skin of the enlarged bladder, the LUTO fetus will have a wrinkled belly and smushed facial features, as well as short limbs and clubbed feet.
Procedural Models in Cinema4D
I put together a simple umbilical cord in C4D using three sweeps, a spline wrap, and volume object. Everything is parameterized so I’ll be able to move the guide spline to change the shape of the umbilical cord, and everything will move with it! Easy peasy.
Speaking of the procedural C4D assets, I also made the ureters in C4D. I will connect them to the renal pelvises I modelling in ZBrush, but the ureters themselves are splines so I can do this cool morph between them. This, similar to the pigtail shunt, is controlled with a field!
Ureter morph.